We are currently in Vacancy and working towards appointing a new vicar in coming months.

Jackie and Adrian Palphreyman Church Warden and Treasurer

We have been happily married for 19 years and have two children, one daughter and one son. We started coming to St Pauls when our children joined Beavers and Cubs, attending the special services as part of the Uniformed Groups then coming on a more regular basis as a family as everyone was so welcoming. Then we attended Messy Church once a month then helping with the crafts. Jump forward to 2018 I, Jackie, was confirmed and our children were baptised. In 2019 I, Jackie, became one of two Church Wardens after being a member of the PCC. Adrian became Treasurer in 2022 following the unexpected loss of our long standing treasurer.

Paul Pooley - Lay Reader with PTO

Christian life for me has been one of many events linked through myriad links with God provided by seemingly unlinked events.  But looking back it is easy to see His hand gently pushing me along.  Taught by Christians six days a week during my childhood I suppose I had all the background that so many don’t have today.  Then many years away ‘doing my own thing’ before coming back to following Jesus through family events, Christian friends at work and even being asked to read in a tiny church in Canada.   Since then, surprises still come along to encourage an openness to doing His will.  PCC secretary for a while and even Church Warden for 5 years seemed my role at St Paul’s.  On a visit to Stafford Virginia in 1997 I was asked to read at a church service in Aquia Church.  Surprised when I arrived that I was required to dress up in a cassock I quipped to my family that they had better get the camera out quick as they would never see me in a ‘dress’ again.

Then a few years later I was asked to explore ministry at the church and in 2006 was licensed as Lay Reader (complete with cassock!).  I’ve always valued support by Christian mentors at St Paul’s and elsewhere whilst still on my journey.  Previous vicars have encouraged me to lead, teach and preach regularly and with many series of home group activities with members of both St Paul’s and Doxey churches.  Most recently, working with our curate I realised just how God leads us no matter what we may be thinking at the time.  Whatever may lie ahead now I pray that I will remain open to His encouragement to meet the challenges of my path to come.

Helen Pooley - Safeguarding Coordinator and Electoral Roll Officer

I can remember the first time I entered St Paul’s Church.  It is a rather austere and grey building that I had passed many hundreds of times whilst living in Stafford.  I had a wish to go back to a church because at the time I was expecting our first child.  The sun shone through the wonderful but very surprising stained-glass window above the altar and we also had a warm but unobtrusive welcome.  My husband and I went on to join in a Lent course which became our Confirmation preparation as we took on the wish to become Christians.  People may have changed and many have passed away since but the same sense I had that first time of entering the building is there and one which I hope I encourage in both of my roles.

Safeguarding has, quite rightly, become more of a focus for churches, and indeed for society as a whole.  No longer should terrible things be hidden in our culture.  Unfortunately, and wrongly, covering up actions has affected the C of E too.  Safeguarding should be the responsibility of everyone to look out for others but there should be a lead Coordinator.  I have a background in working with children, particularly vulnerable children and young people, and their families too by extension.  I have also been a school governor in both Primary and Secondary schools.  Throughout lockdown, and working with our Vicar, I suggested a buddying up system which supported the congregation in our vulnerabilities.  It was very successful and valued.  Much of my experience was before I took on the role as Safeguarding Lead at St Paul’s.

I have carried out the tasks that the Diocese have asked of me and have kept training up to date.  Continuing to encourage others to do so has been another aspect - but I am persistent!  Working with my counterpart from Doxey whilst in Vacancy has been a real blessing as being the Safeguarding Coordinator is a large responsibility and can be quite challenging whilst remembering the need for confidentiality.

As Electoral Roll Officer I collect and keep records of membership of our church.  This is not my favourite role but all I can say is that the Lord has a sense of humour and enjoys challenging you.  It is always wonderful to have new members join our roll and a privilege to have known those who are no longer with us.  St Paul’s is, has it was when I first entered the church, a real community.  Both roles are about looking after people here.   

Lottie Backhouse lottie@theyouthnet.org.uk

I am happily married to Matt who is incredibly supportive and encouraging of me and my ministry. I have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl. I enjoy reading, swimming, walking and Costa coffee.  I'm always happy to walk or grab a coffee with people who need a caring listening ear or just to get to know them.  

My Children's Ministry journey stated 12 years ago. I felt God was saying to me "Let the little children come to me" Luke 10:14. At that time my church had no under 8's Sunday morning provision. With no previous experience of Children's work, God surrounded me with many people who had experience and certainly equipped the sent rather than sent the equipped.  After 6 years of developing and growing the Sunday provision through play and craft, I was offered the position of Children's Coordinator overseeing all under 11's Children's work. Over the past 6 years God has used me and my teams to grow this ministry in amazing ways. I have grown immensely in my own faith whilst helping children and their families to likewise grow.  

My prayers and hopes for my new and exciting adventure with St Paul's and Doxey Churches are that God will continue to use us in building his kingdom in your churches and communities. May many families and children come to know God's love and provision for them. 

Christine Hollis Church Warden

Jennie Losh Lay Minister